Wow, way to go, Erin. I can imagine (and have some experience with) how it feels to really believe in a story and write it, edit it, send it our for submission and see moments of hope, and then not find a publisher via the traditional route.
I have been there with my story In Your Dreams, which I am almost done editing to its best form ever, and I hope to publish it traditionally but I, like you, have also considered other avenues (I published the first half of it serially on Wattpad a few years ago, and am planning to share at least chapter one in my Substack newsletter too). I can't tell you how HELPFUL it feels to read about the publishing journey of your story In the Dead of the Night (HURRAY, that feeling when you find the title that feels right! Very happy for you!) as it echoes so much of/some of this experience too with In Your Dreams.
So while there are undoubtedly so many feelings in there, please know there is a round of warm, supportive applause right here as I'm cheering you on! Truly, truly, way to go!! I'm sorry about the tough moments, and so appreciative of what you've shared, and very excited for you to share your new story with eager readers!
Sending you major props for refusing to listen to the gatekeepers and welcoming you to Indie Pub Land! This book sounds like my jam. I can't wait to buy it from you at full price.
As bummed as I was (am?), I get it. Publishing is a business, and this particular project didn't find a home because it wasn't quite right for editors' tastes, or their current lists, or in some cases, it was simply too close to what their imprint was already publishing. But that doesn't mean the right readers for the book aren't out there, and I'm really excited to try it indie. Thank you for the warm welcome and kind words—and support! Much appreciated. 💗
I'm so excited to be a part of this journey! You always amaze me with your creativity, even beyond the book writing, of how you structure your career and think beyond the books. I can't wait to support this and see it become a reality!
Thank you so much for pushing this through on your own. I’ve always admired you for writing every genre and adhering to what you want in your writing over everything else. Though I’m already waiting for the self publication so I can have a copy in my hand I can’t wait to dive in to “In The Dead of Night”
Thanks, Vanessa. I self-published a companion e-novella for one of my westerns several years back, so I have a moderate understanding of the process, which has helped it all feel less overwhelming. That said, this will be my first full length novel in the self-pub/indie space. I'm excited to take the leap!
I'm SO excited for people to read this book! I very much enjoyed it when I had the chance to read it early!
Thanks friend! I’m excited, anxious, thrilled, and scared, all rolled into one!
I get it! It's a big step. But I think people will be thrilled (lol see what I did there) to have the opportunity to read this book!
(Clearly feeling lots of things at the moment...)
Wow, way to go, Erin. I can imagine (and have some experience with) how it feels to really believe in a story and write it, edit it, send it our for submission and see moments of hope, and then not find a publisher via the traditional route.
I have been there with my story In Your Dreams, which I am almost done editing to its best form ever, and I hope to publish it traditionally but I, like you, have also considered other avenues (I published the first half of it serially on Wattpad a few years ago, and am planning to share at least chapter one in my Substack newsletter too). I can't tell you how HELPFUL it feels to read about the publishing journey of your story In the Dead of the Night (HURRAY, that feeling when you find the title that feels right! Very happy for you!) as it echoes so much of/some of this experience too with In Your Dreams.
So while there are undoubtedly so many feelings in there, please know there is a round of warm, supportive applause right here as I'm cheering you on! Truly, truly, way to go!! I'm sorry about the tough moments, and so appreciative of what you've shared, and very excited for you to share your new story with eager readers!
Thank you, Marisa! I appreciate the support. 💗
I cannot wait to read this! I’m so excited to have yet another Erin Bowman book for my collection!
Thank you so much Chelcie! I am so incredibly grateful for your support. 🖤
Sending you major props for refusing to listen to the gatekeepers and welcoming you to Indie Pub Land! This book sounds like my jam. I can't wait to buy it from you at full price.
As bummed as I was (am?), I get it. Publishing is a business, and this particular project didn't find a home because it wasn't quite right for editors' tastes, or their current lists, or in some cases, it was simply too close to what their imprint was already publishing. But that doesn't mean the right readers for the book aren't out there, and I'm really excited to try it indie. Thank you for the warm welcome and kind words—and support! Much appreciated. 💗
I'm so excited to be a part of this journey! You always amaze me with your creativity, even beyond the book writing, of how you structure your career and think beyond the books. I can't wait to support this and see it become a reality!
Thank you so much, Caroline! That means a lot. 💕💕💕
Thank you so much for pushing this through on your own. I’ve always admired you for writing every genre and adhering to what you want in your writing over everything else. Though I’m already waiting for the self publication so I can have a copy in my hand I can’t wait to dive in to “In The Dead of Night”
Thank you for your support--and for the kind words. It means so much!! 💗
I think this is amazing! There's aspects about indie publishing that I think you'll find satisfying and fun.
Thanks, Vanessa. I self-published a companion e-novella for one of my westerns several years back, so I have a moderate understanding of the process, which has helped it all feel less overwhelming. That said, this will be my first full length novel in the self-pub/indie space. I'm excited to take the leap!
Erin, is this going to be released in paperback or hardback (I’m definitely going to be buying a copy when it comes out, regardless).