I would want the Winchesters by my side, or at least Dean.

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Ooooh I would want Jay from the Sooz’s Luminaries with me.

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Buffy Summers all the way. Slay the evil and slay my heart

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I would love to have Katniss Everdeen with me at a haunted house. Her bravery will be a savior for sure.

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I choose my husband :)

Your book cover looks great and the synopsis is very intriguing! Those aren't easy to write, and I think you did it so well. Congratulations, Erin!!

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I think I have to go with Sam and Dean from Supernatural for who I want to explore a haunted house with me!

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I would want my husband at my side :)

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Exciting!! I think my real friend Marshall would be great for exploring, but then I saw someone say Buffy so that’s my final answer!

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Eee! The cover + interior look fantastic! :D

I just finished watching A Good Girl's Guide to Murder, so I'll be inviting Pip to join me. Although Sam and Dean Winchester would be a close second. Maybe we can all go and make it a party...

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Sep 3Liked by Erin Bowman

I want my husband by my side.

And congratulations, Erin! I know you've been contemplating self-publishing and I'm so happy for you. Wishing you much success!!


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You won the physical arc! Check your email :)

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Probably my son because he is fearless and analytical. Lol

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I’d pick my friend Christy because she’s an expert on Supernatural 😂

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I would definitely want my husband with me! 😅

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I looooove that interior design, as well as the cover! Excited to read this one! I’d have to say I’d want Edgar Allan Poe with me to explore! There’s no denying he’d have a certain panache for it. ☺️

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You won an e-arc! Check your email :)

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Oh man that cover and interior design turned out FANTASTIC!! And I think I'd probably go old school with the Scooby Gang to help investigate! Whether it ends up a real ghost we're chasing or not, everything's better with a pupper for emotional support LOL

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If I have to poke around a haunted house please send Dean & Sam Winchester my way!

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